why do rabbits lick their urine

because rabbits lack a consistent supply of water or don't get certain nutrients in their diet

Foods That Rabbits Can Eat

Rabbit is one of the cute and adorable animals. This animal is often the choice to be kept at home other than bird. This animal is very identical to carrot food. But it turns out that there are many other food choices that are very nutritious and healthy for rabbits.

These foods are a variety of foods to make rabbits healthier. For those of you who want to provide a variety of food for your favorite rabbit. Here are some foods that can be given to rabbits that are rich in vitamins : pawpaw leaves, radish leaves, grass

What foods are not allowed or toxic to Rabbits

Dome rabbits can eat up to 30 times a day so they need a constant supply of food. we as rabbit owners would be better off knowing what they can and cannot eat. Here are some foods that rabbits can and cannot eat: Potato leaves, sweet artificial food